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Showing posts from April, 2008

Bill Granger's pork ribs, Asian slaw with sweet chilli dressing

Sunday lunch the day after spending Saturday up in the trees for Martha's birthday (you had to be there to appreciate it .... and just how much Lisa hated it ... but like a good Mum she kept at it until the bitter end of the last zip line). Martha was out so it was just Joe, Lisa and I. We needed something easy, healthy and that the Tesco at the end of the road would have the ingredients for. Bill Granger may have a weird need to smile at almost anything (like in the picture above. He's eating an apple for God's sake, what's to smile about?) and lets face it he's got an irritatingly perfect life, but his laid back food is perfect for an occasion like this. The ribs are a bit of an adaptation of one of his recipes from the book 'Holiday' ...the other a straight rip off. The Ribs Ingredients 50ml ketchup 20 ml sweet chilli sauce 2 Tbsp Soy Sauce 2 Tbsp Olive Oil, plus extra to brush 1 Tbsp Honey 2 Tsp Grated Fresh Ginger 2 Garlic Cloves, crushed A pile of pork...

One day until the big five o in a snowy Vermont

... and the culinary legend that is Peter Lazor prepared a couple of specials to go with some Misty Knoll chickens. This is particularly admirable as he and Cathleen were doing shifts whilst Wyatt and Cooper slept over at their condo. The meatballs were as an appetizer ... they tasted delicious ... particularly after we removed the few that contained melted cooker knob ... Seriously these little babies were wolfed down by all members of the Cook, Lazor and Price clan. The butternut squash was prepared to go with the chicken. Inexplicably our oven overcooked two of them and undercooked the other despite the fact they were in the same tray. By this time we had imbibed so much red wine and beer that it hardly seemed to matter... luckily we didn't poison anyone.... and the squash was appreciated by all. The recipes Spicy New Jersey Meatballs (The name says it all) 1 pound Ground beef - not too lean 1 large onion 2 tablespoons of cumin seed 2 tablespoons of coriander seed 1/2 tablespoon...

My 50th roast. Head chef Peter Price

I have finally turned 50. Following a brilliant party organised by Lisa at Soho House I celebrated my actual birthday in our beloved Vermont. The snow was fantastic, I had all the family there and was blessed by visits from our good friends the Lazors and the Priceys. On my birthday we went to The Common man but on the Sunday Pricey enlisted the boys as sous chefs and cooked up a storm. He arrived in from New York with half of Dean and Deluca in his bag. In particular a magnificent Rib of beef. Mehurons of Waitsfield provided the rest of the ingredients aside from the jeraboam of Pruno that came from California courtesey of Peter's cellar. Entertainment for the evening was provided by wii golf. As for being 50 ... with wonderful friends and family and great food and wine like this how hard can it be? Below are Priceys instructions for the food .... thanks and much love go to him for the recipe and the cooking but most of all for coming all the way over ( with Suzy, Ella and Natasha...