We got Bills new book 'Feed me now' at work to provide inspiration for some of the projects we're working on. It looked so good I decided to pinch it and take it home to try out some of the recipes. I think he's a bit like Jamie in that he has a really good sense of what normal people like to eat but delivers it in surprising ways that are still very easy to prepare. This recipe is a perfect case in point, on the surface it's just fish with oven roast potatoes but there are lots of clever little things going on that take the dish to another level. Joe, Lisa and I devoured this on Saturday night. As always with whole fish you have to balance out the fabulous taste versus the whole bone thing. If you dont like bones or staring fish in the face I'm sure you could also do this with fillets just adjusting the cooking time to about 15mins ..ish. For what its worth we also tried one Sea Bass and one Sea bream and the consensus was that the Bream had it by a short fishy...
Cooking and eating with my family and friends