My good friend Suzy asked me what salad dressing I made when I was in LA ... to be honest a combination of age and alcohol means that I can't remember. However here is one of my favourite sources of inspiration for simple basics like this. Alice Waters: her book, “The Art of Simple Cooking,” explains why simple food is often the best. This is her simple approach to salad making. I think that the really clever (and new to me) bit is the combining of the salt with the vinegar before adding the really does work I usually use lemon juice rather than vinegar but its up to you My only other tip would be to put the dressing in the bottom of the bowl you are serving in and then put the leaves on top an turn gently with your hands until all the leaves are lightly covered rather than pouring the dressing over the leaves after they are in the bowl. Vinaigrette This is the sauce I make most often, and if it’s made out of good olive oil and good wine vinegar, it’s the best salad dre...
Cooking and eating with my family and friends