Another recipe from the Polpo cookbook. I was inspired to cook this by fellow food fanatic Will Saunders. Its a really, really....i'll say it again....really, easy recipe. Theres a bit of love required to make the tomato sauce but the polpette are a breeze and the combination of fennel and pork tastes great and just a little bit unusual. This made enough for a meal for Martha, Joe and I. A 'food parcel' for Joe to take home and a snack for Lisa when she returned from her screen priniting sojourn in Margate. So it would be plenty for six particularly if you paired it with some pasta or other veg. We had it with a fennel, green bean and rocket salad from the same book. The sauce (makes 1.5 litres) ingredients 100ml extra virgin olive oil 1 white onion, finely sliced 1 garlic clove, chopped 1/2 tbsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper Small pinch chilli flakes 750g fresh tomatoes 3 x 400g tins chopped tomatoes (try and get really nice ones, defo worth it here...