I was given the book Simple by Diana Henry by Martha for Xmas. I think it is going to be a really well used book. We had this recipe last night as a side dish but to be honest it would be pretty nice as a main dish alongside some salad. This might be a response to the onslaught of eating and drinking over the holidays (45 covers in 3 days!) or because of my new cholesterol lowering campaign for 2017. However I think it is mainly because most of the recipes in the book do what it says on the cover, they are 'Simple' to execute but still have something interesting going on. In this case it is the coriander and yoghurt dressing that deliver,. Give it a whirl, you wont regret it. Happy new year! INGREDIENTS · 2tbs plus 4tbs extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for serving · ½ tablespoon honey · Juice of 2 limes · ...
Cooking and eating with my family and friends